Thursday, September 9, 2010

Driving me crazy

Is there anyone else out there who finds themselves getting bent out of shape when behind the wheel of a car? I am amazed at just how quickly I lose patience and get frustrated with the way other people drive. To compound the problem, try driving when you are tired, hungry, and irritable. While for me it does not develop into "road rage", if anyone could hear the conversation I are having with people that cannot even hear me, they would think it ridiculous. Many times I have found myself saying a few choice words, and then are convicted straight away. I know that the way I am reacting is not honoring the Lord or being loving to others.
So I prayed about it. What God enable me to understand is that when you are emotionally and physically worn out, and when someone frustrates your method of driving (the way you want to do things),it will reveal whether at that moment you are walking by the Spirit or according to the flesh.
Our flesh does not make demands or complain as long as it is comfortable and things are going our way. But when it is not comfortable and is being inconvenienced, our natural response is to resolve it immediately. Whatever means we use to cope: whether it is food, TV, games, socializing (Facebook), etc. is sought. When we cannot get to or use our coping mechanism, that is when we will get angry and frustrated. Everything and everyone that is hindering us from coping becomes our enemy. Our flesh will irrationally accuse others of purposely going out of their way to make us miserable.
When we allow the frustration that we feel control our responses, this is walking according to the flesh. Walking according to the flesh will always result in interpersonal conflict, for it is placing our needs before the needs of others and seeing what they do as preventing our happiness. It is self-centered, self-destructive and will only result in misery. It is opposed to the will and way of God, who is love.
What to do then? How do we respond when other cars won't let you merge on, cut us off, go ten miles under the speed limit, etc.? As soon as there is an irritated or angry reaction, bring it to the Lord and let it go; accept the circumstances that He is allowing and thank Him for them! Praise and give thanks to Him for all things. "Rejoice in the Lord always. Again I will say, rejoice! Let your gentleness be known to all men. The Lord is at hand. Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus." (Philippians 4:4-7, NKJV)

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